hostage tower 1980

Crime Thriller

Criminal takes hostages on the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Tutti i titoli
  • US: The Hostage Tower The Hostage Tower
  • BR: Pânico na Torre Pânico na Torre
  • DK: Gidseltårnet Gidseltårnet
  • FI: Kaapattu torni Kaapattu torni
  • FR: La tour Eiffel en otage La tour Eiffel en otage
  • GR: Anatinaxte ton pyrgo tou Eiffel Anatinaxte ton pyrgo tou Eiffel
  • GR: Drapetes tou mesonyhtiou Drapetes tou mesonyhtiou
  • IT: Agenti speciali ONU missione Eiffel Agenti speciali ONU missione Eiffel
  • NO: Gisseltårnet Gisseltårnet
  • PT: A Torre dos Reféns A Torre dos Reféns
  • ES: La torre de los rehenes La torre de los rehenes
  • ES: Secuestro en la torre Secuestro en la torre
  • SE: Attack mot Eifeltornet Attack mot Eifeltornet
  • US: Alistair MacLean's The Hostage Tower Alistair MacLean's The Hostage Tower
  • US: Operation Eiffelturm Operation Eiffelturm
  • US: Das Laserstrahl-Kommando Das Laserstrahl-Kommando
Data di rilascio 13 May 1980
Link IMDb
