Pietje Bell 2002


There is never a dull moment in 10-year-old Peter's life; his adventures appearing in newspaper headlines based unfortunately on outright lies. Together with his own little army, The Black Hand Club, Peter decides to right these w...

Tutti i titoli
  • Pietje Bell 1: De bende van de Zwarte Hand
  • Peter Bell
  • FR: Peter Bell Peter Bell
  • DE: Pietje Bell und das Geheimnis der Schwarzen Hand Pietje Bell und das Geheimnis der Schwarzen Hand
  • HU: Peter Bell és a Fekete Kéz bandája Peter Bell és a Fekete Kéz bandája
  • PL: Peter Bell Peter Bell
  • RU: Приключения Питера Белла Приключения Питера Белла
Data di rilascio 17 Nov 2002
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