Riot on Sunset Strip 1967


LA police captain attempts to appease Sunset Strip businessmen objecting to hippy youths hanging out, by setting a curfew. The cop also thinks the kids have a right to be there, until his estranged daughter joins the counter-cultu...

Tutti i titoli
  • US: Riot on Sunset Strip Riot on Sunset Strip
  • BR: Transviados de Sunset Strip Transviados de Sunset Strip
  • IT: La ragazza dalla calda pelle La ragazza dalla calda pelle
  • NO: Hippie, hva vil du? Hippie, hva vil du?
  • ES: Infierno en Sunset Street Infierno en Sunset Street
  • UA: Riot on Sunset Strip Riot on Sunset Strip
  • US: Riot on Sunset Strip Riot on Sunset Strip
  • DE: Wir... die Wilden vom Sunset Strip Wir... die Wilden vom Sunset Strip
Data di rilascio 26 Mar 1967
Link IMDb
