The First Traveling Saleslady 1956

Comedy Western

At the turn of the century, Rose and ex-showbiz friend Molly get involved in selling steel. When they come unstuck with corsets, they embark on the even more hazardous project of selling ...

Tutti i titoli
  • US: The First Traveling Saleslady The First Traveling Saleslady
  • BR: Mulheres, Sempre Mulheres Mulheres, Sempre Mulheres
  • FR: La V.R.P. de choc La V.R.P. de choc
  • GR: O podogyros en drasei O podogyros en drasei
  • GR: Ο ποδόγυρος εν δράσει Ο ποδόγυρος εν δράσει
  • IT: Vita di una commessa viaggiatrice Vita di una commessa viaggiatrice
  • PT: A Primeira Caixeira Viajante A Primeira Caixeira Viajante
  • ES: La primera vendedora ambulante La primera vendedora ambulante
Data di rilascio 29 Aug 1956
Link IMDb
