Vice Raid 1960

Crime Drama

The bosses of the prostitution racket have one of their prostitutes go to New York City to entrap a police officer and get him thrown off the force. She does as she is told but then the gangsters make a mistake.

Tutti i titoli
  • US: Vice Raid Vice Raid
  • BR: Antro da Maldade Antro da Maldade
  • FI: Tilaustyttöansa Tilaustyttöansa
  • GR: Ta call girls tou 1960 Ta call girls tou 1960
  • IT: Il sindacato del vizio Il sindacato del vizio
  • MX: Mujeres en venta Mujeres en venta
  • SE: Sedlighetspolisen slår till Sedlighetspolisen slår till
  • US: Razzia auf Callgirls Razzia auf Callgirls
Data di rilascio 05 Dec 1959
Link IMDb
